The objective is to make this road official for the Xacobeo of 2021.

The municipalities of Ames, Brión, Lousame, Muros, Noia, Outes, Porto do Son, Rois and Santiago have signed a collaboration agreement through which they commit themselves to advance in the delimitation of the cultural itinerary to Compostela by the estuary of Muros-Noia. The aim of the nine contests is that this itinerary be recognized first as a historical route, and then obtain the official declaration of the way to Santiago. “This is the second step towards the recognition of this route,” said the mayor of Lousame and representative of this group of municipalities, Teresa Villaverde, who sets as an objective “to deliver the route before the end of the legislature and work to achieve its officialization as a Jacobean Route with the horizon of Xacobeo 2021.

To achieve this, progress has already been made in the collection of different historical documentation, thanks to funding from the Rural Development Association Ría de Muros-Noia. The study, as recalled by the mayor of Lousame, indicates that “there is a solid basis for demonstrating the historicity of this pilgrimage route, although it will be expected in the coming weeks when we have the full report. Now, Teresa Villaverde pointed out, “intensive fieldwork will be carried out to determine the delimitation of the definitive route, and to send the conclusions to the Directorate General of Heritage of the Xunta de Galicia”.

To undertake the proposal of delimitation of the cultural itinerary to Santiago de la ría de Muros-Noia in the agreement establishes a maximum budget of 18,148.79 euros, VAT included, which will be approached proportionally by all municipalities, depending on the miles of road layout in each of them. The agreement designates the City Council of Lousame as representative of the grouping of municipalities and responsible for technical and administrative management, so that it will be responsible for contracting technical assistance and establishing the necessary interlocutions with other administrations, named with the Xunta de Galicia.

Thursday November 29th, 2018

Nine municipalities will collaborate in the delimitation of the cultural itinerary to Compostela by the estuary of Muros-Noia

The objective is to make this road official for the Xacobeo of 2021. The municipalities of Ames, Brión, Lousame, Muros, Noia, Outes, Porto do Son, Rois […]
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