The celebration of the I Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism will be the main novelty of the third edition of Sportur Galicia, Salon of the Sport and Active Tourism of Galicia that will be celebrated in Expourense the days 15 and 16 of November. Thus, this congress will be held on 14 and 15 November under the auspices of Expourense with the support of the Xunta de Galicia, Diputación de Ourense and Spanish Sports Association (ADESP) and with the aim of strengthening the professional character of the fair.

The congress will address different topics such as public policies, active tourism, success stories of sporting events in cities or rural areas, nautical and sports tourism and its economic impact or the development of the tourism sector itself. Another novelty about Sportur Galicia presented yesterday to the advisory committee was the fact that the hydraulic athletics track with which Expourense has been installed for this fair multiplying the options when organizing sports activities and exhibitions.

The third edition of the Salon del Deporte y Turismo Activo will again be divided into three areas. The first one is dedicated to the commercial exhibition of products and services and to the promotion of tourist destinations. The second will be focused on sports exhibitions and the last of these areas will be the professional that includes the organization of workshops with national and international travel agencies.

Friday September 20th, 2019

The new edition of Sportur Galicia will host the First Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism

The celebration of the I Iberian Congress of Sport Tourism will be the main novelty of the third edition of Sportur Galicia, Salon of the Sport […]
Thursday September 19th, 2019

The Xunta launches a new line of aid of 500,000 euros to promote congress tourism

As part of the Strategic Plan for Xacobeo 2021, the Xunta has just approved a new line of grants aimed at organising congresses, seminars or conventions […]
Wednesday September 18th, 2019

The 19th edition of Termatalia starts in Ourense reaffirming its role as an international appointment of reference for the thermal and health tourism.

More than 300 exhibitors from 34 countries meet at Expourense The project “Un descanso nos Camiños”, born in the Concruso de Ideas del Clúster Turismo de […]
Tuesday September 17th, 2019

An online platform will market the enotourist offer of the five wine routes of Galicia

By virtue of an agreement signed between the Wine Routes Associations of Galicia and the Xunta de Galicia, the public administration will provide the Galician wine […]
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