The association will celebrate in Santiago an informative day that will also serve to deliver the diplomas to the companies that have obtained the mark Quality Acluxega- Galicia Calidade.

The Cluster of the Galician Geothermia celebrates next Friday, October 4, in Santiago de Compostela a day under the title “A Xeotermia e a Calidade. Marca Calidade Acluxega – Galicia Calidade” in which will be present responsible for both the Xeothermia Cluster and Galicia Calidade and representatives of associated companies. The purpose of the conference is informative, to promote among companies and interested parties the advantages and process of granting the “Acluxega Quality Mark”, endorsed since 2018 by the Brand Galicia Calidade, allowing to provide the geothermal air conditioning facilities with a distinctive seal of quality, ensuring compliance with quality standards that exceed those established in current regulations.

The aim of the conference is to publicize the requirements requested of companies to adhere to this seal of quality, recently launched to distinguish the geothermal energy installations made by Galician companies that meet the highest standards of quality, guarantee, efficiency and reliability, through the use of a seal of Galician quality widely recognized as is Galicia Calidade.

In addition to the presentation of the brand and success stories of companies adhered to Acluxega that already have this recognition of quality, the day will also include an act of delivery of diplomas to those new companies that have passed the audit and can now begin to use the quality certification.

Acluxega groups all the Galician companies dedicated to the geothermal market with the aim of promoting the knowledge and use of this renewable energy source in Galicia and Spain. The Association, which currently has a total of 48 members, is aimed at developing a joint strategy of its members focused on training and awareness, aspiring to become a reference in the Galician and national geothermal market.

For more information or registration at the conference: or by telephone at 886122895.

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