The celebration puts an end to the fam trip held these days in Galicia, which met 10 hosted buyers who visited A Coruña and Santiago and held professional meetings with 50 Galician companies.

Nearly 200 representatives of companies and institutions related to the tourism of congresses, incentives and events gathered at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Galicia, in Santiago, for the celebration of the Galician MICE sector, a meeting that also served to make a presentation of the Galicia MICE project, launched in 2016, in which OPCs, hotels and spaces for events come together to promote the Community as an ideal destination for this type of activities. Galicia MICE has the support of the Galician Tourism Cluster, whose president, Cesáreo Pardal, stressed the heterogeneity and relevance of this sector, the backbone for tourism in Galicia as a whole, as well as the importance of continuing to work in public-private cooperation.

The director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, also highlighted this cooperation between the private sector and the administrations while highlighting the support of the Xunta to the organization of Congresses through the line of aid just approved by the Xunta. Finally, the president of OPC Galicia, Ana Trevisani, for her part, took a look at the history of the Galicia MICE brand and highlighted the turnover of the sector in Spain, which the Spain Convention Bureau (SCB) has recently estimated at 6,600 million euros, with 4.3 million attendees and 25,800 events, while highlighting the advantages of Galicia to be among the first destinations chosen to organize congresses nationally.

“Galicia offers the sector serious, loyal, efficient, hard-working professionals and also has that extra that every organiser wants: sensations and experiences. We are a solvent destination that faces some problems, such as the relative ignorance of our work or those arising from the connectivity of Galicia with respect to other points,” explained Trevisani.

Professional meetings
The celebration of the celebration of the Galician MICE sector closes the program of activities that this week developed Galicia Mice with ten tour operators from the rest of Spain and Europe, who have had the opportunity to know several ideal locations for organizing large conferences and events, in addition to tour the tourist attractions of the cities of A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela. As part of the programme, meetings have been held between foreign operators and 50 businessmen from the two cities, representing various related sectors.

Wednesday November 13th, 2019

Nearly 200 Galician and European professionals gather at the Galician MICE sector festival

The celebration puts an end to the fam trip held these days in Galicia, which met 10 hosted buyers who visited A Coruña and Santiago and […]
Tuesday November 12th, 2019

The Xunta de Galicia launches the program Elige Galicia aimed at boosting domestic tourism

The regional administration expects that the initiative will benefit more than 12,000 people in the next two years With the aim of promoting domestic tourism, deseasonalise […]
Monday November 11th, 2019

The awards ceremony will be held at the Rosalía de Castro Theatre in A Coruña on 3 December.

The first edition of the Galician Tourism Awards, organized by the Galician Tourism Cluster in collaboration with the Xunta de Galicia, will have as master of […]
Thursday November 7th, 2019

A Coruña and Santiago host a group of hosted buyers from the MICE sector who will learn about their resources and meet with local businesspeople.

On Tuesday 12 will be held the Fiesta of the Sector MICE of Galicia, at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de Galicia The Galician Tourism […]
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