With a total amount of 130 thousand euros, the Xunta de Galicia has launched a call for tenders aimed at both local administrations and private companies to apply for this certification

The Xunta de Galicia has just launched the new call for grants for the certification, monitoring and renewal of certifications of the Q mark for Tourism Quality of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE). As the main novelty with respect to previous calls highlights the 30% increase in budget over previous editions and the fact that, for the first time, may attend both individuals and personal legal entities as well as, as a novelty, the municipalities.

As indicated in the DOG, the actions aimed at improving the quality of tourism through processes of first certification, monitoring and / or renewal of the Tourism Quality Q mark of the ICTE, corresponding to this year and starting from 1 January 2020, will be eligible for subsidies. The period is open until April 2.

Specifically, the costs of external audit of certification, monitoring and / or renewal of the system will be eligible for funding billed by an audit body accredited by the ICTE. The amounts to be subsidized will be those derived exclusively from the audit costs of the year 2020. Also eligible are the costs derived from the rights of use of the Q mark in the year 2020, once the certification, monitoring and/or renewal of the establishment has been achieved, invoiced by ICTE to the establishment.

The subsidies will be financed with a global credit of 130,000 euros, of which 40,000 will correspond to the first category, referring to the local councils, and 90,000 will correspond to the second category, corresponding to the personal entities. The aid will be processed on a competitive basis. As stated in the resolution of the DOG, if the applications presented by category do not exhaust the credit foreseen, the remaining credit in one category may be allocated to the other category.

Applications must be submitted electronically using the standard form available on the Xunta de Galicia’s website.

Thursday March 5th, 2020

The Xunta increases by 30% the aids so that the sector and the city councils can accede to the certification of the Q of Tourist Quality

With a total amount of 130 thousand euros, the Xunta de Galicia has launched a call for tenders aimed at both local administrations and private companies […]
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The Ribeiro Wine Route presented its plan to promote the territory as a quality wine tourism destination

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