AGETAN presents a list of 20 recommendations for the reactivation of companies in this sector

The Galician Association of active tourism, adventure and nature companies (AGETAN) held a meeting with the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, to convey to her the concerns of active tourism companies in the face of the crisis of the COVID-19 and make her a participant in the report prepared by the association on the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on active tourism in Galicia.

The report and the 20 measures it includes to reactivate active tourism in Galicia are the result of surveys carried out among fifty companies in this segment of Galician tourism between 3 and 7 April 2020, with the aim of obtaining greater knowledge of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the Galician active tourism sector.

Among the conclusions of this report is the fact that 8% of the companies have caused permanent decline, 28% are in ERTE and 46% of them are in temporary decline, with a loss of income since the beginning of the crisis of between 15,000 and 45,000 euros per company. Another 26% of the companies surveyed declare losses between 15 and 30,000 euros due to cancellations of reservations for the months of May to August, with 38% having lost more than 30,000 euros.

To alleviate this situation, from AGETAN is requested the implementation of 20 measures in terms of sectoral competitiveness, sector management, adaptation and promotion of the sector after overcoming this crisis, which moved and the Xunta. Among these measures, AGETAN highlights the need for direct and indirect aid to companies, promotion of training, development of a strategic plan for the sector and creation of an active tourism board. In addition, in terms of fees, the report calls for exemption from the obligation to maintain jobs for 6 months in the case of ERTE for force majeure, relaxation of the criteria for admitting the cessation of activity (many companies in this sector began working in April), elimination of regional taxes or reduction of VAT to 10%, as in other tourism activities.

AGETAN also asked the Xunta for a subsidy for the entity for its work of promotion and improvement for this sector and a higher score in the awarding of public subsidies for this type of company, as well as a CNAE/IAE of active tourism, fight against intrusion and a new decree of active tourism.

Active tourism after COVID

Among the measures requested by this entity, which groups together Galician active and nature tourism companies, is also included aid to adapt them to the cleaning and disinfection protocols required of them, as well as the creation and promotion of the Galicia active tourism brand, taking advantage of the synergies of Galicia Active Destination, promoting the link of active tourism to Xacobeo2021 and the launch of a campaign of active tourism of proximity and promotion of this type of activity in schools.

The Association also thanked the Director of Tourism of Galicia for her willingness to transfer requests that exceed her competence to other bodies of the Xunta de Galicia or the Government. Finally, from AGETAN they emphasize that they will continue advancing in these proposals and they will maintain meetings with people in charge of tourism from other administrations with competences in tourism.

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