Bars and restaurants open at 40% of their capacity and the Xunta expects to raise the percentage to half next Monday

Bars, cafeterias and restaurants open their doors for the first time this week, where they will be able to receive their customers, with the capacity limitations established in this phase two: 40% of the maximum capacity of the premises, without bar service and with a separation of two metres between tables, in addition to observing the hygiene and social distancing measures for workers and customers. The central government leaves it up to the autonomous communities to increase this capacity to 50%, a question that the Xunta is considering for seven days, coinciding with the beginning of the month of June.

In the hotels and tourist lodgings it will be possible to proceed to the reopening to the public of the common areas. Also these areas of the establishments destined to cultural acts and spectacles, but always with the limit of a third of its capacity and under safety measures. The activities of animation or group classes must be designed and planned with a maximum capacity of twenty people.

One of the new features of this phase is the opening of indoor sports facilities, swimming pools and beaches, where bathing is already permitted, always taking into account the limitations of the forum as set out by the Health Department and the limitations placed by the different town councils, which are ultimately responsible for controlling the sands.

In the social field, the order makes the measures affecting the movement and attendance at vigils -maximum of 25 people in the open air and 15 in closed spaces-, burials and places of worship -50% of the capacity- more flexible. Weddings will also be allowed for a limited number of attendees (100 in open spaces and half in closed spaces).

Conferences and research

In the new phase, congresses, meetings, business meetings and conferences can be held in congress halls, conference rooms, multipurpose rooms and other similar establishments and facilities. The limit is 50 attendees and non-attendance is encouraged.

Monday May 25th, 2020

Restoration expands its service spaces, bathrooms on the beach and group tours, Galicia enters phase 2

Bars and restaurants open at 40% of their capacity and the Xunta expects to raise the percentage to half next Monday Bars, cafeterias and restaurants open […]
Saturday May 23rd, 2020

You can now download the recommendation manuals for the Galician tourism sector in front of the COVID 19 of the Xunta de Galicia

Both on the Galician Tourism website and on the Cluster’s own website, the 11 manuals with recommendations for COVID 19 prepared for the various subsectors of […]
Friday May 22nd, 2020

The Xunta and the tourist sector agree on a battery of 500 training, information and advice actions on health and hygiene

The agreement reached within the framework of the so-called “pact for a safe destination” includes 50,000 places for voluntary training and a telephone number to resolve […]
Friday May 22nd, 2020

Health guarantee, flexibility and confidence, key elements for the reactivation of tourism in the province of Pontevedra

The Council of Pontevedra presented the advance of the Plan of Reactivation of the destiny Pontevedra Province Security and trust, but also adaptation of marketing and […]
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