The Xunta has reopened 9 of the 11 tourist offices directly linked to its management and located in the main Galician cities. Among the new features of this reopening is the provision in the offices of the necessary measures to ensure social distancing, promoting the use of masks and hydroalcoholic gels by users, in addition to online consultation of tourism resources.

Thus, in the post-COVID tourist offices, the dispensing of brochures and information on paper has been eliminated, promoting the use of digital channels to facilitate information to users, providing materials and documents in electronic format through formats such as QR codes. In addition, visitors must remain in the office for the time strictly necessary to receive the required attention and devices such as touch screens or other shared equipment may not be used unless the availability of means for safe use is ensured.

The use of masks within the facilities will be mandatory when the safety distance between workers and users cannot be guaranteed. In addition, in those cases where it is not possible to maintain this distance when serving the public, protective elements or barriers such as methacrylate screens will be installed. Precisely, the Regional Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, visited one of these nine installations, the one located in Vigo, in Cánovas de él Castillo street, within the framework of the signing of the collaboration agreement with the Pontevedra Hotel and Catering Federation, within the framework of the Galicia, safe destination programme, in a ceremony that also had the presence of the president of the Clúster Turismo de Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal.

In addition to this establishment, the offices located in La Coruña (Calle Celedonio de Uribe 2), Ferrol (Plaza Camilo José Cela s/n), Lugo (Calle Miño 12), Ourense (Calle Ayuntamiento 4), Pontevedra (Calle Marqués de Riestra 30), and Santiago de Compostela (Plaza Mazarelos 15) opened their doors. Those installed at the International Pilgrim Welcome Centre (calle Carretas 33) and La Lavacolla Airport will resume their activity on 1 July.

Adapted training and information
The tourist offices have a specific manual drawn up by the Xunta de Galicia which condenses the requirements and recommendations made by the central government and recommendations adapted to the tourist offices of our Community. In addition, as part of the training programme for Galicia, a Safe Destination, the Galician government has promoted a specific training session for tourist offices.

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Reopening of the tourist offices of the Xunta de Galicia

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