Open deadline for applications until 30 August 2021

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Friday August 13th, 2021

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRADE MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR WTM LONDON 2021”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 30 August 2021 Download the sheets
Tuesday August 10th, 2021

Awarded the service of “Development and consolidation of the brand Galicia Emotion for the promotion of the tourism product”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Successful bidder: Pqliar Consulting, S.L. . Amount awarded: 24.995,00 euros
Thursday July 29th, 2021

The Xunta has already received around 5,000 requests for aid from the III Rescue Plan, which in a second phase could reach 200,000 euros

Representatives of the sectors affected by the pandemic met today with the general director of emprego, Covadonda Toca The Xunta de Galicia has already received the […]
Thursday July 22nd, 2021

A Xunta, o Clúster e as Universidades presentan o Plan Director 2021-2023 para o turismo en Galicia A Xunta, o Clúster e as Universidades presentan o Plan Director 2021-2023 para o turismo en Galicia

As accións contidas nesta planificación suporán investimentos de preto de 500 millóns de euros en tres anos, dos cales máis da metade se dedicarán a reactivar […]
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