The City of Culture, in Santiago de Compostela, hosted the Cluster’s Annual Assembly this morning. 



The internationalisation activities of Galicia as a destination, the workshops to boost marketing, the launch of Galicia Destino Sostible, the reissue of the #QuedamosenGalicia voucher or the continued commitment to quality, were some of the issues addressed during the presentation of the annual report and the activity forecasts for 2022 of the Clúster Turismo de Galicia at its annual Assembly.


The meeting of the Cluster’s highest decision-making body took place this morning in Santiago de Compostela. The presidency of the Cluster gave an account of the main activities developed and promoted in 2021, a year still marked by the pandemic and in which national tourism has been the protagonist. For this reason, the Galician Tourism Cluster is reinforcing internationalisation actions, either directly or in collaboration with other entities such as the Galician Tourism Agency or Turespaña. This collaboration has allowed different Galician companies to participate in the presentations of the Xacobeo in Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hamburg or London, or in international workshops such as the direct marketing sessions in Miami or through the Roadshow that toured different cities in Italy.


Sustainability, one of the axes of the Master Plan Galicia Destino Seguro 21-23, had a milestone of special relevance last year with the signing of an agreement between the Cluster and the Xunta de Galicia to create the recently presented “Galicia Destino Sostible”. The initiative is associated with a line of aid to companies of more than 300,000 euros to support them in the creation of new sustainable products.  The aim of “Galicia Destino Sostible” is to act as a hub that integrates the entire sustainable tourism offer of the autonomous community.


This year the third edition of the Tourism Voucher #QuedamosenGalicia2022 was launched, the result of the signing of an agreement with the Galician Tourism Agency, which once again this year was a success as the available vouchers were sold out within a few hours of the launch of the event.  The Cluster expects to surpass last year’s figures, where more than 1,200 companies took part and more than 4 million euros were spent.


The commitment to quality is one of the priority lines of action of the Cluster, which continues to offer companies advisory services to obtain new certifications of the Q for quality, in which Galicia is at the top of the national ranking.

The Clúster Turismo de Galicia is still committed to public-private collaboration, where Turismo de Galicia continues to play an essential role and this year is strengthened with agreements with the councils of A Coruña and Pontevedra. The 4th Galicia Tourism Meeting will be held and two workshops will be held to promote the marketing of Destination Galicia in two Spanish cities. There will also be another promotional day for the destination.


Monday July 18th, 2022

The Galician Tourism Cluster highlights the commitment to internationalisation, the creation of new sustainable products and quality to boost the recovery of the tourist flow

The City of Culture, in Santiago de Compostela, hosted the Cluster’s Annual Assembly this morning.      The internationalisation activities of Galicia as a destination, the […]
Sunday July 17th, 2022

Galician tourists opt for face-to-face travel agencies to book their package holidays.

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Tuesday July 12th, 2022

The Clúster Turismo de Galicia shows in London the strengths of the Way of St. James

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Monday July 11th, 2022

The Galician Tourism Cluster promotes sustainable tourism with the creation of the Galicia Destino Sostible product club

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