SICTED is a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). All those establishments that are in the circle of tourist consumption can obtain this badge: transport, accommodation, restaurants, shops, travel agencies, etc.
With the aim of implementing it in the region, the Barbanza-Arousa Commonwealth set up a Quality Committee made up of technical staff, representatives of the Xunta, the Deputation of A Coruña, the Galician Tourism Cluster, the four town halls of the entity (Rianxo, Boiro, A Pobra and Ribeira) and five business associations.
The president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, participated in the meeting of this Quality Table last Friday, May 12, in Boiro. At this meeting, the body evaluated the applications, finally selecting a total of 36 tourist companies and services to obtain the SICTED tourist quality badge in this destination.
All of them passed the evaluations and met the requirements related to optimal business and service management, receiving two individual technical assistance, participation in training sessions and collective technical assistance.
In addition to this, the Commonwealth also organized a workshop led by the person in charge of the Barbanza Archaeological Center, Víctor Barbeito, to promote knowledge of the Barbanza-Arousa destination and increase synergies.