The Festival de Turismo de Cataratas de Foz de Iguazú, in Brasil, has recognized the work of Termatalia in the person of the director of the International Fair, Alejandro Rubin, who traveled to this international event to continue the work of promoting Termatalia Mexico . The award “Friend of the Festival” was given to Rubin in recognition of the work developed in the industry, along with four other personalities: Márcio Favilla, Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization (OMT); Jose Antonio Silva Parente, president of Embratur; Chico Brasileiro, state representative and president of the Tourism Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Parana and Fabio Lazzerini, geologist and president of Alath also Termatalia delegate for Brazil.

Foz de Iguazú
This year, the Festival de Turismo de Cataratas de Foz de Iguazú was attended by more than 6,000 participants and 207 booths occupied by more than 600 brands, destinations and tourist attractions. Attendees could visit the stand Termatalia installed in the classroom to promote its next edition, which this year is celebrated in Coahuila (Mexico) from 29 September to 1 October. In the FIT Falls managers Termatalia held working meetings with various hot destinations in Brazil, and authorities such as the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, Marcela Bacigalupo, executive director of the OMT, Marcio Favilla, or the Director of Communications of Itaipu Binacional, Gilmar Piolla, among others.
Moreover, within its booth, Termatalia organized a tasting water annotated by Tyales Veiga, who was Galician champion of sommeliers in 2012 and currently serves as head of Food and Beverage at the Hotel Recanto Cataratas Foz do Iguazu, a destination sustainable and reference linked to water. This outstanding professional will be part of the international jury of the Water Tasting Termatalia Mexico 2016.

Monday June 27th, 2016

Brazil recognizes the work of Termatalia

The Festival de Turismo de Cataratas de Foz de Iguazú, in Brasil, has recognized the work of Termatalia in the person of the director of the […]
Monday June 27th, 2016

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