• The president and vice president of the Cluster, accompanied by representatives of accommodation and travel agencies from all over Galicia, met last week with the director of Tourism of Galicia.

Last Thursday, October 31, an information meeting took place between the Xunta de Galicia and the tourism sector to address the regulatory authorization that will create the tourist tax requested by Santiago. The president and vice president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal and Jesús Picallo, the director of Tourism of Galicia, Xosé Manuel Merelles, and representatives of accommodation, travel agencies and tourism associations from all over Galicia participated in the meeting.


During the day, the document brought to the Budget Measures Law for 2025, which includes the regulatory authorization to create the tourist tax, was reported. The tourism sector expressed its opposition to the measure, pointing out that the regulation will affect tourists who contribute the most to the local economy through overnight stays and consumption.


For his part, Merelles explained the current status of the project, and recalled that the implementation of the rate will be voluntary and will be under the management of the municipalities interested in applying it.


Among the main characteristics included in the document, it stands out that the income obtained from this tax will be allocated at least 80% to investments and expenses linked to the promotion, promotion, protection, promotion and development of sustainable tourism. Another of the points conveyed was that the application of the rate in Santiago will be monitored by a commission made up of members of the City Council, companies in the sector and neighborhood associations.


The director of Tourism of Galicia pointed out that municipalities interested in applying said rate must justify their need through a tax ordinance, previously evaluating its impact and effectiveness.


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