The main actors involved in the management and promotion of the Costa da Morte met to promote the Starlight working group, after achieving the distinction of Starlight Destination.
The “Costa da Morte Asociación Turística (CMAT)” constitutes the working group for the conservation of the night sky in the territory and that will design the roadmap to develop astrotourism.
In addition, it will act as a direct link with the Starlight Foundation and it will serve as a meeting point to collect projects related to the “Declaración en Defensa del Cielo Nocturno y el Derecho a la Luz de las Estrellas”.
It will be made up of the municipalities of the geodestination, representatives of the private initiative of the tourism sector, associations and the educational sector.
One of the main objectives will be to reduce light pollution generated by public lighting, in order to improve the health and living conditions of residents.
The main challenge of this initiative is to place the Costa da Morte at the forefront of tourism excellence through differentiating products.