The tourist data for the months of the summer season were very positive for Galicia. During July and August, the highest level of tourist demand (the number of nights in tourist establishments) in history in a summer was recorded, surpassing the figures for Xacobeo 21-22. Data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reveal an increase of 1.5% as a result of an improvement in the average stay.
With these numbers, Galicia was positioned as the seventh most important destination this summer, behind Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andalusia, the Canary Islands, the Valencian Community and Madrid. Our Community was the first destination of Green Spain, of which Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country are also part.
61% of tourist demand corresponded to hotels and guesthouses, while the remaining 39% was in non-hotel accommodation (campsites, hostels, tourist apartments and rural tourism establishments). Regarding the international market, the number of nights also increased by 11.5% compared to last year, with nearly 1.1 million nights between hotel and non-hotel establishments.
So far this year, Galicia has registered more than 4.8 million travelers, who spent more than 9.5 million nights in hotels, guesthouses, campsites, hostels, tourist apartments and rural tourism establishments. These figures represent an increase of 6% compared to last year.
This was the month of August
According to data from an experimental report carried out by the INE using mobile phones, Galicia received a total of 392,659 foreign tourists in August. Portugal was the country with the most visitors this month (122,720), followed by France (84,900), the United Kingdom (24,230), Germany (23,810), Switzerland (21,496), Italy (17,046), the United States (16,203) and the Netherlands. (15,527).
Regarding national tourism, the interprovincial measurement recorded 1,416,804 movements between provinces in Galicia, among which are 636,038 Galicians. By community, Madrid is the one that attracted the most visitors, with a total of 276,854, followed by: Castilla y León (88,291), Catalonia (85,804), Asturias (63,427) and Andalusia (62,225).