• The fifth edition of Fairway will be held from November 1 to 3 at the Galicia Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions, in Santiago de Compostela.
  • The Cluster will have an exhibition space where it will promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination brand.


More than 220 brands will participate in the fifth edition of Fairway, the great forum for professionals of the Camino de Santiago. The event will take place from November 1 to 3 at the Galicia Congress and Exhibition Palace, in Santiago de Compostela. The forum will facilitate more than 3,000 work meetings to promote the Jacobean routes, and will have the participation of up to 40 national and international tour operators, including countries such as the United States, Japan, Canada, Italy, Bulgaria, South Africa and Argentina.


On the one hand, the participation of the Galicia Tourism Cluster will focus on enhancing the value of the Galicia destination, with an exhibition space through which the Galicia Sustainable Destination initiative will be made known. On the other hand, the president of the CTG, Cesáreo Pardal, will speak at one of the debate tables organized within the framework of the event, on November 2.


This V edition of Fairway brings new features. It will have a Job Fair, which will take place during the first day of the event, offering a hiring space focused on the hospitality and hospitality sectors. The forum will also enable a speed networking space in which participants will exchange information quickly and directly, favoring the acceleration of commercial contacts.

The great forum of professionals of the Camino de Santiago had also included various conferences, colloquiums and discussion tables; a fair of exhibitions and training workshops; in addition to a recreational program open to all audiences. Through the official event page you can consult the complete program and register for the desired activities.

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Fairway, the Camino de Santiago forum, will be held from November 1 to 3

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