• Young people between 12 and 30 years old from all over the country who have a Xove Card will be able to benefit. Those who are minors must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Now, in addition to retail agencies, wholesalers may also participate to sell their tourist packages from Galicia to companies outside the Community.


The Council of the Xunta de Galicia approved last Thursday, November 16, the extension of the Xacobeo Xove program, the initiative that promotes the experience of the Camino de Santiago among youth through discounts on packages designed by Galician travel agencies for any of the Jacobean itineraries.


The Xacobeo Xove is thus renewed until November 2024, and will expand the number of beneficiaries by also including young people of school age and those from outside Galicia. The program now extends the age range, which goes from the current 18-30 years to 12-30 years, as long as the minors are accompanied by adults.


In addition to this, to carry out the tourist packages, along with the Galician retail agencies, the Galician wholesale agencies are also added, which may offer the packages they market to retail agencies that operate in other autonomous communities, so groups may also benefit. from outside Galicia.


The Xacobeo the Association of Incoming Tour Operators of Galicia (Atrega) and the Provincial Association of Travel Agencies of Pontevedra (Avipo).


Its objective is to promote pilgrimage among the newest population, with the collaboration of Galician travel agencies that create tourist packages on the different itineraries of the Camino de Santiago for users of the Carné Xove, and with a special price, which includes a discount of 200 euros on the usual price.


Since its launch, more than 60 tourist packages are already active that can be consulted through the page www.xacobeoxove.com, where the requirements can also be consulted and from where companies can join the program. For any questions or concerns, you can consult the official page of the Xacobeo Xove program or contact us at the email address xacobeoxove@clusterturismogalicia.com or by phone at 881 505 103.

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