Logo Cluster Turismo Galicia


Monday March 28th, 2016

Logo Cluster Turismo Galicia

Logo Cluster Turismo Galicia Download
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016

#Jornada5M Round Table: Examples of technological applications to improve tourism marketing

Led by the chief editor of TecnHotel, Juan Daniel Nunez, the table was attended by Ruben Sanchez, CEO of Beonprice; José María Vargas, commercial manager in […]
Wednesday March 23rd, 2016

#Jornada 5M: Markets of interest in tourism marketing of Galicia

The British, German and US markets focused first of the roundtables of the day, which included the participation of those responsible for the Tourist Offices of […]
Tuesday March 22nd, 2016

# Jornada5M: Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Marketing Segment Mice

Download the presentation by Raul Garcia Raul Garcia, founder and director of MICEtraining.com and Aprendedeturismo.org Under the title “Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Marketing Segment Mice”, […]
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