In order to continue attracting new tourist flows these days put into operation the second mini coastal cruises that will improve the Galician nautical offer and learn more about the Galician through tour packages. The first operation was to enter the route “Tesouros da Ría”, which he did in April, while the second, Atlantic Islands and Villas Marineras does from the month of May. Departing from Sanxenxo, the cruise between three and six-day permit to dig deeper Pontevedra, Illa de Ons, Bueu, Combarro, La Toja, Cambados, Ribeira, Vilanova de Arousa, A Pobra do Caramiñal, Vigo, Cíes, Baiona, Rande and San Simon. For seven months, these two cruises can offer a unique and differentiated tourism that contributes to position Galicia and international nautical destination, and contribute to tourism in the area and encouraging the recruitment of other completarios tourist services during stays (accommodation hotels, restaurants, wine, etc.)
Cruise ships operated by shipping InterRías-Náutico cormorant, which will make the circuit by the estuaries and tidal platform Cruises, which will take care of Illas Atlantic, can be booked on the web platform Nautic Destinantion, created by Agan +, Portos de Galicia and Xunta, or through travel agencies.

Monday May 23rd, 2016

The route goes into operation “Atlantic Islands and fishing villages”, the second of coastal cruises Galicia

In order to continue attracting new tourist flows these days put into operation the second mini coastal cruises that will improve the Galician nautical offer and […]
Friday May 20th, 2016

Internal Instructions of Hiring (IIH) for Cluster Turismo Galicia (CTG

Tuesday May 17th, 2016

Hiring Technical Assistance for WTM London 2016

Specifications governing hiring a service “Technical assistance for the organization of a trade mission to the International Fair WTM London 2016 with the collaboration of the […]
Monday May 16th, 2016

Turexpo and Festur be held in conjunction with the Silleda Green Week from 9 to 12 June

Turexpo, the Galician Tourism Fair, will be held jointly in the Semana Verde Internacional, witch celebrates in Silleda from 9 to 12 June. Turexpo becomes part […]
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