According to data released by the INE, the Spanish tourism sector reached 119,011 million euros in 2015, a figure that represented 11.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country, while the level of employment linked to tourism Increased to 2.49 million jobs, representing 13% of the total jobs in the Spanish economy.

These data are extracted from the Tourism Satellite Account of Spain (CSTE), which has collected between 2010 and 2015 the evolution of the tourism sector in the economy as a whole. The Spanish Tourism Satellite Account, Base 2010, can be described as the set of estimates, based on the methodology of the National Accounts, which provides the main economic aggregates linked to the tourism sector on a given date such as accommodation, transportation , Food and beverage services, travel agencies, etc. Its main objective is the presentation in a statistical framework of statistical results that allow to obtain a measurement of the economic relevance of tourism through indicators such as the contribution of tourist activity To GDP or to employment.

The measurement of these results has made it possible to determine, for example, that the share of tourism in GDP has grown steadily since 2010, from 10.2% to 11.1%. Similarly, in the chapter on employment, represented by the occupation in the economic branches characteristic of tourism, since 2010, the increase has been 1.4 points, from 11.6% to 13.0%. It should also be noted that since 2010 the evolution in real terms of the tourist economy has been better than that of the economy as a whole.

The most important component in the final tourist demand in 2015 was the tourist consumption. This aggregate has also been the one that has grown the most in recent years, gaining weight within the composition of the final tourist demand. Due to the constant growth of the receiving tourism and to an alternation of descents and inferior growths of the emitting tourism, the balance between both has increased to a greater extent than the receiving tourism in all the analyzed period.

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