Promoted jointly by the Agency for Technological Modernization (AMTEGA) and the IGAPE, until the 28th of February the 3rd call for the ReaccionaTIC Aid Program was opened with the aim of facilitating the access of Galician SMEs, whatever their sector Of activity, to the services of assistance, diagnosis and support of implementation of ICT technologies.

The interested companies can request their adhesion to the program through this link, where they will be able to collect all the necessary information for their transition to the digital company and industry 4.0. To date more than 150 companies have benefited from the services offered within this plan of the Xunta de Galicia through the two previous calls.

Thursday February 16th, 2017

Third call for the ReAccionaTIC Program

Promoted jointly by the Agency for Technological Modernization (AMTEGA) and the IGAPE, until the 28th of February the 3rd call for the ReaccionaTIC Aid Program was […]
Thursday February 16th, 2017

Wines of Monterrei renews for one year its collaboration with Expourense

The Ministry of Rural Affairs also agreed to collaborate with the entity ouresana in the next edition of Vinis Terrae The president of the CRDO Monterrei, […]
Wednesday February 15th, 2017

Un trabajo de las Universidades de Vigo y A Coruña analiza las bases del desarrollo del turismo en España entre 1900 y 1936

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Tuesday February 14th, 2017

Tourism of Galicia will invest more than one million euros in 18 municipalities through which the English Way

During 2017 the Xunta will invest more than one million euros in actions that allow to improve the facilities and signaling of the English Way. Specifically, […]
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