The situation in the Galician sector is part of a crucial moment of consolidation, but still with a margin of growth in which the commitment to quality, profitability and innovation are transversal objectives that go through all the actions proposed in the plan that is structured around Three major challenges and 11 strategic lines:

To develop the full potential of the resources of Galicia, which allow to build a unique and differential destination, artellado around a Brand: Galicia. The sustainability of the destination will be the guiding thread in the construction of the strategic lines that are contemplated:
1. Landscape, natural resources and sustainability. With the impulse of ecotourism, the recovery of the unique nuclei, the control of the burden and redistribution of the tourist flows or the sustainability of the tourist infrastructures
2. Differential values ​​and their potentiation. Impulse of the heritage, nature, gastronomy or thermal tourism as unique elements of the Galician tourist offer.
3. Tourist mobility. It bets on intermodality, airport coordination, reinforcement of pedestrian, maritime and river mobility, accessible tourism, bet on Euroregion or greater use of rail connections.
4. The roads of Santiago as dynamizadores of the country.

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Develop a new form of management that incorporates all the agents of the value chain and that facilitates the sustainability of the destination in the medium and long term, without renouncing economic and social profitability criteria characteristic of an economic activity such as tourism.
5. Cooperation in the value chain of tourism. Coordination of tourist offices, strengthening of tourist inspection and adaptation of the regulations to the current market situation, promotion and reordering of the Xeodestinos, vertebración of the associative movement and dinaminazación of the tourist municipalities
6. Profitability. It necessarily involves promoting a tourism of high added value that allows us greater differentiation and better marketing of a dimensioned and modern offer, efficient and adapted to the current needs of sustainability and accessibility that a sector of the future demands. It is essential to bet on strategies of deseasonalization and loyalty. Quality training and professionalization
7. Quality training and professionalization. Retention of the talent in the territory, greater accessibility to the training programs and increase of the professionalization.
8. Awareness raising about tourism as a driving force for development. Social recognition of the weight of tourism, role of the Galician abroad.

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Improve tourist attraction and loyalty, as well as the differentiation of destination based on a segmented supply of quality. Innovation processes and technology will be engines of change in the sector within an increasingly competitive and diverse market.
9. Marketing. New models of tourist commercialization, impulse of it receptive, of tourist information offices adapted to the new demands of the tourist and of platforms of marketing on line along with the elaboration of manuals of product adapted the each foreign market and the prospection of new markets are Key aspects for the internationalization of the Galicia destination, without forgetting the implementation of a loyalty program to consolidate the experienced growths.
10. Internationalization. Creation of a network of tourist offices of Galicia in the exterior, coordination in wool promotion and opening of international tourism markets.
11. Innovation and Technology. Improved accessibility to the internet, introduction of ICT, improved use of new technologies in communication channels with tourists, big data to better understand the profiles of tourists.

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