Open deadline to submit applications until June 6.

Download the sheets

Monday May 22nd, 2017

Specification that will govern the contracting of a service of “Technical Assistance for the implementation of the strategy of Marketing and promotion of the brand Enoturismo de Galicia” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Open deadline to submit applications until June 6. Download the sheets
Monday May 22nd, 2017

The Cluster Turismo Galicia will be present in the VII Tourism Fair of Galicia, Turexpo

Cluster Turismo Galicia will be present at the VII Tourism Fair of Galicia, Turexpo, which will take place in the premises of the International Fair of Galicia […]
Sunday May 21st, 2017

Adjudication Consultancy and technical assistance for the implementation and continuous improvement of the Q system of tourist quality

Supernova Assists, S.L.U. Amount awarded: 133.415,00 € (VAT INCLUDED)
Sunday May 21st, 2017

Adjudication Comprehensive Technical Assistance of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia

Estrategia y Organización S.A Amount awarded: 47.795,00 € (VAT INCLUDED)
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