Incitus has already chosen the five Galician projects that will opt for the award of the third edition of the Incitus Prize. On this occasion, the provinces of A Coruña, Pontevedra and Ourense will be represented among the five candidates who will compete for the necessary services to execute with guarantee their dream project. All this for free and with reference professionals. The chosen ones are: Coffee First, in Ourense, a cafeteria with own toaster that will have a classroom of barista training; Nana Pancha, an antojería and Mexican canteen that will be located in A Coruña, where the tradition will mix with the passion for the food and will be enjoyed in taco form.
Ramen Bar Fuji in Vigo, a Japanese fast food themed restaurant where the original Japanese recipes will be enjoyed based on the famous ramen noodles. A dish that eats fast but is slow cooking; Rúa 13-El Mercado, a gastronomic market in Corunna with different culinary proposals under one roof and Terra de Historias, in Bandeira, with a gourmet cellar and specialized in flag meat.
From September, these 5 candidates projects will begin a process of mentoring in which, for three months, reputable professionals will help and accompany them in the realization of a comprehensive strategic plan company. From here will come the finalist projects and a winning project of the Incitus 2018 Award: the best hotel project of the year in Galicia.

This initiative, as you know, private and non-profit organization, aims to boost the Galician hospitality industry by supporting and rewarding projects based in Galicia that base their business model on innovation and creativity.

Friday August 11th, 2017

The 3rd edition of Incitus already has 5 candidates for the prize

Incitus has already chosen the five Galician projects that will opt for the award of the third edition of the Incitus Prize. On this occasion, the […]
Thursday August 10th, 2017

Award “Technical Assistance for the development of a promotional campaign through the Presume de Galicia programme” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia

o Awarded: Mr. Turismo Marketing en Acción S. L. o Awarded amount 35,099.99 euros
Tuesday August 8th, 2017

Sorteos de estancias de turismo rural y viajes a las Islas Atlánticas para fomentar la oferta complementaria en la segunda edición de Turismo Rural, Ahora También

The campaign, which invites visitors to continue discovering the Galician tourist offer, will take place in August, September and October With the aim of improving the […]
Monday August 7th, 2017

Work in progress to host Termatalia Brasil 2018 at Foz de Iguaçu

The director of the fair, Alejandro Rubín Carballo, and the general director of Iguaçú Fund, Carlos Silva, signed in Foz de Iguaçú the document that will […]
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