The initiative, promoted by the Cluster Turismo de Galicia, has just launched the new website and the app that includes the specialized offer in this segment.

Created last year with the aim of making known and generating synergies between the Galician tourism companies that have specialized in family tourism, the Galician Family Destination Programme, promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster in collaboration with several of its partners, continues this year taking steps to enhance the value of this market segment for Galicia. At the moment, the official App of Galicia Destino Familiar is already available in the mobile application shops, a tool in which data of the companies certified by the seal will be available, as well as their main offers. Users will also be able to access information about Galicia’s main tourist resources, geolocated according to their location.

At the same time, it is now possible to access the website of Galicia Destino Familiar (, in whose private area the companies associated with the seal will be able to manage the information they send to the end user. In addition, profiles are available on social networks Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram, in which you will be informed of the various developments that are emerging around Galicia Family Destination. In addition, a communication plan has been launched to raise awareness of the brand and the member companies, especially through the Internet and social networks, seeking a better positioning, and through the development of activities and influencers that will improve brand awareness.

Galicia, a centre of attraction for family tourism

According to the market study of Tourism Consumption Guidelines for Families, carried out by the Spanish Federation of Large Families, Galicia is the fourth Spanish autonomous community preferred by families for their travel during the summer season, a number of families that spend a total of 15,870 million euros per year in Spain.

These are very interesting consumer profiles for the Galician tourism sector, as they are travelers who consume a wide range of products and services interconnected with each other (accommodation, restaurants, active tourism, theme parks, etc.), generally loyalised and which exercise good prescribers, registering above average stays and looking for destinations adapted to the needs of all members of the group, the key being the decision-making power that children have in the choice.

This is why, within the framework of the Galician Tourism Cluster’s Ideas Contest, the Galician brand Galicia Destino Familiar was created in 2016 and in the present 2017 the programme continues to develop in collaboration with the Consortium of Tourist Entrepreneurs of Sanxenxo (CETS), the Galician Association of Tourist Hostels Network (AGALBER), Viajes Fisterra S. L. U. and Hotel Bahia de Vigo S. A.

The implementation of this project also seeks to rely on the generation of a specific offer for families in which the seal of Galicia Destino Familiar is a guarantee for both customers and the sector, contributing to the loyalty of the target audience of this project.

Tuesday October 24th, 2017

The Galician Family Destination Brand launches two new tools to publicise this specialized offer

The initiative, promoted by the Cluster Turismo de Galicia, has just launched the new website and the app that includes the specialized offer in this segment. […]
Monday October 23rd, 2017

Special programme full of activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago as the first European cultural itinerary

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Postponed MTB Wine Route Rías Baixas

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Thursday October 19th, 2017

One hundred Galician tourism sector entrepreneurs broaden horizons at the Professional Meeting of Innovation and New Technologies held in Sanxenxo

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