Open deadline until Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Download specifications documents

Monday December 4th, 2017

Specifications that will govern the contracting of a service of “Technical Assistance for the organization of a commercial mission to ITB Berlin 2018 International Fair” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline until Tuesday, 19 December 2017 Download specifications documents
Friday December 1st, 2017

The Galicia Destino Familiar seal gives its first 27 accreditations to companies specialized in this market segment.

The initiative, promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster, brings together and enhances the tourist offer aimed at families that Galicia already has. The award ceremony was […]
Wednesday November 29th, 2017

The MICE Galician sector expects to have a turnover of 70 million euros in 2018 and to go from 1,000 events.

The director of the Galician Tourism Agency, Nava Castro, presided over the event attended by some 150 international agents and buyers from the congress, convention and […]
Wednesday November 29th, 2017

The II BTT Ruta do Viño Rías Baixas brings together 200 cyclists in Condado do Tea

Fifty people participated in the parallel hiking route The II Mountain Bike Route of Viño Rías Baixas gathered on Sunday 26 November in Arbo about 200 […]
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