Tourism of Galicia has presented a new tourism initiative, aimed at the generation of specialized and innovative tourism products that contribute to build a competitive and modern tourism offer in Galicia. On this occasion it is the Club da Auga de Galicia, a proposal of alliance of interests between the Agency Tourism of Galicia and the companies linked to water management with the aim of socially and economically value water in Galicia, while seeking its use as a tourist product.
In this sense, the Club da Auga de Galicia was created with the aim of integrating entities and initiatives of the Galician tourism sector that exploit water resources: companies, business associations, product clubs, commercial brands, etc.
These companies may join either as sponsoring partners or as collaborating partners. In the first case, these are Galician companies and institutions linked to the management and exploitation of water that will become partners in the project, introducing the club’s objectives in its communication, marketing and CSR policies.
On the other hand, the collaborating partners will be those that provide tourist services related to the auga. They are companies, generally of tourist services, that contribute products to the commercial catalogue of the Water Club of Galicia. While Promoters who develop tourism accessibility projects can also fulfil this function and are full members, the Partners have a list of Club suppliers.
Membership in this club implies the mobilization of social and economic means for the valorization and social use of water resources, the generation of tourism products from water and associated natural and cultural heritage and the integration of entities and initiatives of the tourism sector that exploit water in a sustainable way, as well as the creation and positioning in Galician society and the tourism market of a brand for products linked to water in Galicia.

Friday December 22nd, 2017

Born Club da Auga de Galicia, promoted by Turismo de Galicia

Tourism of Galicia has presented a new tourism initiative, aimed at the generation of specialized and innovative tourism products that contribute to build a competitive and […]
Thursday December 21st, 2017

Award “Technical assistance for the organization of a commercial mission to ITB Berlin 2018” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Tourism Agency of Galicia.

o Awardee: Viajes Sant Yago S. A. o Awarded amount: 30.672,00 euros
Thursday December 21st, 2017

The Strategic Tourism Plan of Rías Baixas aims to make the province “a sustainable, excellent and innovative destination”

With a budget of 12 million euros for the next three years, the tourism roadmap for the province plans to promote 40 differentiated actions to make […]
Wednesday December 20th, 2017

The Xunta updates the travel agency decree to adapt it to the European framework

Xunta de Galicia has authorized the modification of an article of the decree of recasting in matters of travel agencies, tourist guides and active tourism with […]
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