The Galician hotel sector improves its profitability in that month with an increase of more than 15% in the average daily income per available room

Advancing in the necessary seasonalization, Galician hotels marked excellent results in the month of November, with an increase of 12% in the number of hotel nights, which were around 476,000, the highest figure in the last decade, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). These data reveal that in November the Galician Community became the Spanish destination where overnight stays grew with greater intensity. As for the number of travelers accommodated, Galicia is also above the national average, with an increase of 11.9%, reaching more than 240,000 travelers accommodated in the penultimate month of the year, which is nearly 26,000 more than in 2016.
The growth was registered among both domestic and foreign tourists, although the increase was more notable in the latter, placing the growth of the international market at more than 18.8%, in the referred to travelers accommodated, and 11% in the volume of overnight stays.
November 2017 thus becomes the second consecutive year of good results, although the employment level, around 30%, remains among the lowest in the State as a whole. Despite this, hotel establishments in Galicia improve profitability levels compared to the even period of 2016. In fact, the average daily income per available room grew by more than 15%.
Total for the year
With regard to the whole year, the INE data indicate that overnight stays, average stay and occupancy of Galician hotel establishments rise above the average. The volume of nights in Galician hotels and pensions in the first eleven months of the year rose by 6.5%, a circumstance that allowed to approach 8.4 million overnight stays in this type of accommodation, a figure never reached before in the accumulated eleven months of the year.

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Galicia consolidates its tourism growth outside the high season with a 12% increase in hotel demand in November

The Galician hotel sector improves its profitability in that month with an increase of more than 15% in the average daily income per available room Advancing […]
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Specifications that will govern the contracting of a service of “technical office for the management of collaboration agreements formalized from the Galician Tourism Cluster”

Open deadline until 8 de january Download the sheet
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