o Awardee: Supernova Asistencias S.L.U.
o Allotment amount 134,451.57 euros

Friday May 18th, 2018

Consultancy and Technical Assistance for the implementation and continuous improvement of the Q System of Tourist Quality” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

o Awardee: Supernova Asistencias S.L.U. o Allotment amount 134,451.57 euros
Friday May 18th, 2018

Technical Assistance for the development of the Galicia Friendly project” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

o Awardee: Sararte S.L. o Allotment amount 28,697.13 euros
Friday May 18th, 2018

Galicia now has 141 festivals of tourist interest after the approval of the Consello de la Xunta three new distinctions

The Butelo de A Fonsagrada Fair, the Fiesta del Caldo Gallego de Mourente (Pontevedra) and the Semana Santa de Santiago de Compostela (Holy Week in Santiago […]
Thursday May 17th, 2018

The Congress of Spanish Hoteliers will be held in Malaga from 30 May to 1 June

Malaga is the city chosen by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation to hold its Congress of Spanish Hoteliers. From 30 May to 1 […]
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