The data are taken from the report on demand for wine tourism by ACEVIN.

The Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN) has made public the ninth Report on the Demand for Wine Tourism, carried out through the Tourist Observatory of the Wine Routes of Spain in which it draws the profile of the enotourist in our country, analysing travel motivations, organisation, chosen destinations and socio-demographic profile in an analysis of data relating to the second half of 2017 and the first half of 2018.

From this analysis the report reveals that the profile of the enotourist in our country has not changed substantially, women continue to predominate slightly (55.3%) over men (44.7%) between the ages of 46 and 65, although the number of people between 36 and 45 who visit the Wine Routes is growing (38.2%) as well as those between 18 and 25 years of age, which has also increased from 4.8% to 6.9%.

What is striking is the increase in the average expenditure of this type of traveller, who also increases their overnight stays in the chosen destination. Thus, the average expenditure of wine tourists is 161.9 euros per person per day (compared to 156.6 in the previous report). It should be noted that this average expenditure figure is higher than that of the general foreign tourist (147 euros, according to the latest report) and that of the national tourist within Spain (45.34 euros, according to report 2017 FAMILITUR).

58.78% of those surveyed, who mainly travel as a couple and with friends or work colleagues, have spent the night at the destination, although the time spent in it decreases, going from 2.54 days in the previous report to 2.43 days in the current one, which leaves room for improvement in the development of proposals and activities that encourage tourists to extend their stay.

Growing rural accommodation and reservations through the Internet
As for the type of accommodation preferred by enotourists, four-star hotels continue to be the most popular. There has also been an increase in the percentage of rural tourism accommodation, which is already chosen by 19% of travellers. In fact, for the first time, they rank second, ahead of the option of three-star hotels. This data indicates that more and more aspects are valued such as contact with the environment and proximity that usually offer this type of accommodation.

Among the novelties provided by the study also highlights the changes in the ways of booking the trip and activities. The new study highlights that 53.5% of enotourists have made their reservations through the Internet, which means an increase of more than 2% in this channel. In addition, 80% of enotourists have booked some service before their trip, normally visiting wineries (86.8%) is consolidated as the main attraction, enjoy local cuisine (56.8%) and wine tasting (54.4%). Visits to wine-producing municipalities have risen considerably (from 31.7% to 48.8%), which shows the growing interest of enotourists in discovering the heritage of our villages, beyond the wineries.

It also increases loyalty by this type of tourist who values their experience very positively, 99.6% would recommend the trip and 56.1% of those surveyed say they have previously visited another Wine Route, 3.5% more than in the previous report. It is also striking that 30.6% of the enotourists surveyed expressed an interest in learning about the Rías Baixas Wine Route, the only Galician certified under the Spanish Wine Routes brand, which places it as the second most mentioned route by enotourists surveyed about their next destinations, only surpassed by that of the Ribera del Duero and ahead of the Rioja Alta, Rioja Alavesa, Bierzo or Rueda.

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