The new Ministry of Culture and Tourism includes in its budget proposal for next year, an increase in the item of tourism, now converted into Galician economic engine, which, if budgets are approved as they are, will mean 11.5% more money, 4.3 million more. In this increase, the investments in the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago and the first 7.5 million for Xacobeo stand out. In fact, the Regional Ministry establishes actions within the framework of the Plan for the rehabilitation of the BICs of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, actions in the Integrated Territorial Plan of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago and gives continuity to the delimitation and historical works of the paths that have not yet been approved.

With regard to the tourism section fully said, it is committed to improving the competitiveness of businesses and the value of tourism resources, giving continuity to the implementation of the Tourism Strategy Galicia 2020. The aim of the new conellería is to reinforce the synergies between culture and tourism and put the event of Xacobeo 2021 as an impulse to deepen cultural and tourism policies of sustainable growth in the long term, strengthening the positioning of Galicia as a country brand both nationally and internationally.

Continuity in the proposals of Galician Tourism
The actions proposed by Turismo de Galicia for 2019 will thus focus on “reinforcing the tourist attraction and positioning Galicia as a unique destination through a competitive model, sustainable and adapted to market changes” under three axes of work:
– The development of all the potential of Galicia’s resources, building a unique and differential destination, supporting other entities and administrations in the development of competitive and quality tourism products.
– Tourism governance, incorporating all the agents involved, and promoting a sustainable management model of the destination in the long term, which will result in the implementation of the Rural Tourism Plans and Gastronomic Plan, in addition to continuing to cooperate with the Galician Tourism Cluster in terms of training and participation in major national and international tourism fairs. It is also committed to the continuity of the Galician Tourism Accessibility Plan and the Camino de Santiago and the organization of events such as Gastroforum, Hotelforum, CSHG Emprende or Feminino Singular, as well as the commitment to quality through the accreditation of the Q for Quality. Support will also be given to the development of the Tourist Quality System at Destination in different town halls and regions of Galicia.
– The national and international projection of the destination, for the attraction of tourists and their loyalty, through promotion actions of different products of specialized tourism, emphasizing in this sense the cooperation with other entities and the bet for segments with the MICE, to which promotion efforts will be dedicated in specialized fairs, as well as will give continuity to the familiarization trips.

The proposal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also includes the continuity of programs such as the Tourist Trains, the Open Doors Days of the Wine Routes, the Gastronomic Outono, Tapas for Galicia, as well as the promotion of nautical tourism and asset, with new MTB centers.

Within the scope of European projects will be developed up to four projects with co-financing of up to 75% by the European Union as the WAOH Route for the development of the diving tourism, kayaking and whale watching, the Geres-Xurés Dynamic for development of the transboundary biosphere reserve in the environment of the Xurés natural park, the Eurovelo 3 pilgrimage, for the development and promotion of this transnational tourism route the cultural resources of the places through which it runs and the Creative Loci-Iacobi for the development of heritage resources through new technologies of the Way of Saint James in Europe.

Impulse to Xacobeo2021
An important part of the proposals in these budgets are aimed at the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago, with the development of the Master Plan for the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compostela that contributes to its improvement, adapting specific measures for each one of its routes and defining guidelines that contribute to the improvement of environmental and urban aspects, to the management of flows, and to the improvement of layouts and signposting, as well as to the improvement of tourist services. 2019 will be oriented towards the promotion of the Via de la Plata and a large number of proposals for the programming of Xacobeo2021 is also being advanced to turn it into a “great human experience”, a showcase for an organised, prepared, dynamic and innovative Galicia. Own events, financing of presented projects, redefinition of others such as Vive or Camiño as well as cultural, sports and musical initiatives around the Xacobeo2021 complete the proposal of the Consellería de Román Rodríguez, which assumes much of the initiatives of Tourism in Galicia giving great weight to the celebration of the next Xacobeo.

Consult the budget proposal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for 2019

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