Achieving that visual disability is not an impediment for these people to also enjoy traditional navigation through a tour of the Galician estuaries is one of the objectives of the project Sentir o Mar, promoted by the GALP 4 Seo Fisterra, Ría de Muros-Noia, together with the Consellería do Mar.

The aim of this initiative is for this collective to be able to enjoy a safe and attractive leisure option, becoming a useful educational resource both for them, who become familiar with the different elements that can be found on these boats, and for their families, who also sharpen other senses that are not the view,

This project includes a guide that shows different ways of enjoying the sea for blind people and navigation exercises in previously formed boats. In addition, it includes a graphic description of the ship and the nomenclature of its parts in Braille with the support of elements such as a scale model, which reproduces all the details of the ship, a work that has been carried out by a team of professionals in the educational and social field and thus involves teachers, students and families, as it is a support tool for them. Fundación ONCE and the Concello de Muros, among others, have also collaborated in the initiative.

Friday December 21st, 2018

Sentir o mar, a project to promote inclusive tourism in the estuary of Muros-Noia

Achieving that visual disability is not an impediment for these people to also enjoy traditional navigation through a tour of the Galician estuaries is one of […]
Thursday December 20th, 2018

“Capuccino” and “Montadiño Ternera-Arzúa-Ulloa”, winners of Santiago(e)Tapas 2018

The eleventh edition of Santiago(e)tapas, the compostelana tapas contest organized jointly by Turismo de Santiago and the Compostela Hotel Association, concluded with the presentation of its […]
Wednesday December 19th, 2018

A hundred professionals participate in the day of internationalization of tourism in Pontevedra

Promoted by the CTG in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, the conference included presentations on the process of internationalization for tourism SMEs and analysis […]
Tuesday December 18th, 2018

Galicia proposes that equality be a criterion to be assessed in the stamps of tourist excellence

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has transferred to the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) a proposal to incorporate equality criteria in the assessment for […]
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