This year the virtual community created to value the territory especially among Galicians has exceeded 110 thousand users
More than 200 photographs have been uploaded in the last quarter, when the awards campaign was reactivated.

The Galician Tourism Cluster closes the year and Presume de Galicia campaign with the presentation of the awards to the Presumers of the Year, those two users of the community of Presume de Galicia who have obtained the most applause (votes) in a photo or in one of their videos. Ana Ruiz, an amateur photographer from A Coruña, was the one who won the prize in the Photo category, for her image “Detívose o tempo”, which got more than 1400 votes while Javier Giráldez, lawyer from Baiona, and very active presumidor in the community, won the prize in the Video category for “Amaneciendo”, with 375 votes.
They both heard about the campaign from others who were already participating. “I participated because I dedicate myself to the photography of places of Galicia, not only to the landscape, but to a different type of photography, showing what is ours with another point of view, and my friends always encouraged me to participate in contests. In fact, I just made my first exhibition, “explained Ana Ruiz while the winner in the video category, noted that “I learned about the campaign through twitter, some contact had posted a photo, had shared it to get votes and I encouraged myself to participate, and really engacha, you see some great photos that encourage to know each and every one of the places of our wonderful land.

More than 200 contributions in recent months
With the delivery of these two awards concludes this year’s campaign Presume de Galicia, an initiative of the Galician Tourism Cluster that has been underway for three years with the premise of encouraging the value of many corners little known by Galicians themselves. The community has already surpassed the 100 thousand followers in the different social networks in which it has a profile, being that of Facebook, the largest community, with more than 100 thousand followers, although the one that has increased the most in recent months has been Instagram. During these months in which the campaign to revitalize the community has been underway, from August to November, monthly prizes have also been awarded to the “presumers” who obtained the most votes in some of their uploaded photographs consisting of stays in three- and four-star hotels in Galicia. Awards, as commented one of the Presumers of the Year, Javier Giráldez, “have allowed me to know areas that had not visited and / or having done so had not traveled walking that is how you can really appreciate its charm so I am very grateful to the community and the establishments involved, the treatment has been exceptional.
The winners of this last prize gets, in addition to the stay, a complementary activity of adventure tourism consisting of a baustimo flight for the winner in the photo category and a multiadventure pack for the video.

Show off your territory
As expressed by the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, who was responsible for delivering the awards, “we continue to bet on Presume de Galicia, a community of users that allows us to draw a map of experiences throughout Galicia, discovering little-known corners or spaces from another point of view. In fact, the Cluster’s Christmas greeting this year was precisely with a photograph of Presume de Galicia, explained Cesáreo Pardal, who wanted to thank the more than 3400 registered users of the website, where more than 4,100 images have been uploaded during this time. Cascades, sunsets, forests and churches, viewpoints and beaches have been some of the images most uploaded by the presumers at www., creating a map of experiences within reach of anyone who wants to discover new places to visit Galicia that in recent months has been increased by more than 200 new images, demonstrating how alive this community that develops primarily through social networks.

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