The Xunta de Galicia has signed an agreement worth 80 thousand euros with the three Galician universities for the preparation of the application form for the Cíes Islands-National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia to World Heritage, a basic technical element to continue the process, a form that “has to have different systematic evaluations made by experts with scientific criteria and rigor”, explained the president of the Xunta who will emphasize that it will analyze aspects such as “the diagnosis of the components of the environment, biodiversity and geodiversity, its delimitation, territorial valuation and the analysis of management rules that affect the space and the conservation of natural heritage assets.

In 2017, the Ministry of Culture included the candidature in the National Indicative List to be sent to UNESCO, a list that was updated and published by the entity in February 2018. The next step was for the candidature to remain on the tentative list for one year, so that after that period, the Galician Government resumes the activity by commissioning the candidature form.

Thursday May 30th, 2019

The Galician universities will work together to advance in the candidacy of the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia as a World Heritage Site

The Xunta de Galicia has signed an agreement worth 80 thousand euros with the three Galician universities for the preparation of the application form for the […]
Wednesday May 29th, 2019

UNWTO and ONCE Foundation seek the best accessible tourist destinations

The World Tourism Organization, UNWTO and ONCE Foundation have launched the first call for ‘Accessible Tourist Destinations’ (ATD) Mentions, which will recognize and promote places accessible […]
Tuesday May 28th, 2019

The tests of habilitation of new guides of tourism specialized in Galicia have been summoned

DOG collects the call for the habilitation of specialized tourist guides, convened by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, with the aim of continuing the process […]
Monday May 27th, 2019

Galicia leads in April the growth of tourism in Spain, with 19.5% more travelers

The data from the National Statistics Institute indicate that it was the second Community with the best evolution, growing above 7.6%. This is a higher quality […]
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