The fairground ourensano welcomed yesterday the first preparatory meeting of the project “A rest in the ways”, impelled by Caldaria, Provincial Federation of Hostalaría of Ourense, Expourense and Spas of Galicia. This joint project is one of the five winners of the Contest of Ideas promoted by the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia in collaboration with the Galician Agency of Tourism and proposes the development and commercialization of a new tourist product based on stays in the spas located in the different Ways of Santiago.

In this meeting participated the deputy director of Expourense and director of Termatalia, Emma Gonzalez, the representative of the Caldaria Group, Rafael Luaña and the manager of Spas of Galicia, Benigno Amor. They were accompanied by the co-manager of Autoxiro, Emilio Cuíñas, company specialized in tourist services that will be in charge of the technical aspects of the beginning of this project.

The idea is that the first action of this project is developed during the celebration of Termatalia, International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellbeing, that will take place on September 19 and 20.

Friday August 30th, 2019
Expourense Termatalia

The promoters of the project “A rest on the roads” hold a preparatory meeting at the fairgrounds of Expourense

The fairground ourensano welcomed yesterday the first preparatory meeting of the project “A rest in the ways”, impelled by Caldaria, Provincial Federation of Hostalaría of Ourense, […]
Thursday August 29th, 2019

The beach of Pantín hosts until September 7 the ABANCA Galicia Classic Surf Pro that will receive athletes from more than 30 countries

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Wednesday August 28th, 2019
Convencion ASTA

Galician companies attend the ASTA Global Convention in Miami to bring the offer of our community closer to the American buyer.

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Tuesday August 27th, 2019

Xunta and town halls prepare regulations to regulate motorhome tourism in Galicia

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