The event, promoted by the Xunta, will be part of the activities of Xacobeo 21-22.


The landscape is one of the great attractions and heritage of Galicia. Its protection and preservation is a task in which the Xunta wishes to involve both the public and private sectors, as well as specialised professional groups and the general public. One of the ways to achieve this will be the celebration of the first Congress of Landscape and Green Infrastructure of Galicia, which will take place next year as part of the activities of Xacobeo 21-22, and which will serve to “highlight all the measures promoted in terms of landscape in recent years and exchange public and private experiences that may be of interest. This is what the Regional Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Housing, headed by Ángeles Vázquez, explains.


The aim of this meeting is to contribute to consolidate during 2022 the progress made during the current year with measures such as the approval of the Landscape Guidelines, the completion of more than a thousand reports on the field of landscape protection and the completion of the guides to viewpoints and supply facilities. One of the actions planned for the year that is about to begin is the approval of the Galician Strategy for Green Infrastructure and Ecological Connectivity and Restoration. This is a tool that will include actions in urban and metropolitan areas and in Galicia’s seven biosphere reserves.


Over the next year the Xunta will also undertake the development of a specific action plan for the Os Ancares-O Courel area, the implementation of a package of intervention and management measures for the landscape resources of O Xurés, and the development of the Action Plan and the Ribeira Sacra landscape pact.

Tuesday December 28th, 2021

Galicia will hold its first Landscape and Green Infrastructure Congress in 2022

The event, promoted by the Xunta, will be part of the activities of Xacobeo 21-22.   The landscape is one of the great attractions and heritage […]
Sunday December 26th, 2021

Galicia is once again climbing up the list of favourite destinations for Spanish tourists

In the third quarter of this year it has been ranked as the fifth most visited community, improving both the percentages of the spring and the […]
Thursday December 23rd, 2021

The extraordinary call for tourism sustainability plans at the destination will finance 13 projects in Galicia with 30 million euros

The actions approved at the sectorial conference will focus on promoting the coast as a tourist attraction.   Galicia will receive a total of 29.3 million […]
Thursday December 23rd, 2021

Terms and conditions governing the hiring of a service of “integral technical office of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia”

Open deadline for applications until 7 January 2022 Download the sheets
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