The initiative promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster is growing again with more representatives from the field of travel agencies and accommodation, and with the MEGA museum.


The Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club, the initiative developed by the Galicia Tourism Cluster with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia to promote sustainable tourism and make this community a national and international benchmark, continues to grow. Six new companies have just joined the programme after being approved by the committee in charge of assessing the applications.


The new members of the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club are the travel agencies Ruteart and Tee Travel, the cooperative Praxxis Inclusión, the Hotel O Semáforo in Fisterra, the Paisaxe II campsite (O Grove) and the Estrella Galicia Museum MEGA (A Coruña).


Membership of the Club is still open to any Galician company in the subsectors of accommodation, restaurants, travel agencies and providers of complementary tourist services that meet the requirements. If they already have an official sustainability certification (S of the ICTE, Biosphere, Green Key, EU Ecolabel, Green Globe21, Travellife, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Green Star of the MICHELIN Guide, etc.) or an environmental certification (ISO 14000, EMAS…) they will be able to join the club directly. Otherwise, to be part of this new initiative of the Cluster, they must comply with 100% of the mandatory requirements and at least 33% of those considered valuable.


Access to financial aid for the creation of sustainable tourism products and training or networking initiatives, as well as the presence on the website are some of the advantages that this new Club, officially presented last July, makes available to all its members.

Monday August 8th, 2022

New companies join the Galicia Destino Sostible Product Club

The initiative promoted by the Galicia Tourism Cluster is growing again with more representatives from the field of travel agencies and accommodation, and with the MEGA […]
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