• Restaurant and accommodation professionals can request digital passes to attend the forum, which will be held from March 23 to 25 at EXPOCoruña.


The Galicia Fórum Gastronómico celebrates its tenth edition at EXPOCoruña, consolidating itself as the reference meeting in the northwest of the peninsula for hospitality and gastronomy. During the event, attendees will be able to enjoy presentations, showcookings, workshops and demonstrations by some of the most influential chefs on the national and international scene. Figures such as Joan Roca, Elena Arzak, Ricard Camarena, Lucía Freitas or Javier Olleros will be part of a program that combines innovation, tradition and sustainability.


In addition to the exhibition offer with more than 200 brands, the Forum will have spaces dedicated to liquid gastronomy, such as the Wine Circus, the Craft Beer Market or the Coffee Forum, where specialty coffee will be the protagonist. Competitions such as the Premio Cociñeiro Galego 2025, the Estrella Galicia Beer Draught Championship and the XChef Challenge will also be held, which will highlight the talent and creativity of the sector.


With the aim of bringing this experience closer to professionals in the sector, the Galicia Tourism Cluster is making free digital passes available for catering and accommodation professionals, allowing access to the fair and its activities. Each establishment may request up to four accreditations, thus facilitating the attendance of work teams interested in learning about the latest trends in gastronomy and wine tourism first-hand.


The Galicia Tourism Cluster is committed to bringing professionals the best training and inspiration opportunities, strengthening the link between tourism and gastronomy as fundamental axes of the development of the sector. Applications for digital passes will be available until Friday, March 21, at 1:00 p.m., giving Galician businesses the opportunity to be part of this essential event.


Formulario de solicitud:

Nombre y apellidos (requerido)

Cargo o representación (gerente, propietario...) (requerido)

Nombre de la empresa (SA, SL...) (no cubrir en el caso de autónomos)

Nº de pases (máximo de 4 por entidad) (requerido)

Móvil (requerido)

Correo electrónico (requerido)

*Para más información puedes contactar a través de la dirección de correo administracion@clusterturismogalicia.com o del teléfono 881 247 436.

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