If this new phase is advanced from June 8, Galicians could begin interprovincial mobility, although not between autonomous communities, a mobility that remains under the jurisdiction of the Government

On the verge of reaching phase 3, Galicia enters a decisive phase in the process of de-escalation towards the new normality. At this stage, the regional administrations will be responsible for managing the path towards the ‘new normality’, with the exception of mobility between provinces, although not between autonomous communities, which would not be authorized until the conclusion of the de-escalation, as endorsed by the decree approved last Tuesday by the Council of Ministers. Even so, the autonomies will have a significant margin of decision, taking into account that among the competencies acquired in phase 3 is the ability to decide its duration.

Health will have to assess before this Friday the technical documentation sent by the health authorities of each region so we will have to wait until the weekend to know if Galicia advances as a whole to phase 3. During this phase, the recommendation to use a mask and a social distance of two metres will be maintained to avoid contagion.

As for the activities and capacity that can be developed during this phase, download here, the following should be highlighted:


  • The wake may be held with a maximum limit of 50 people in open spaces or 25 people in closed spaces, regardless of whether they are converts. The retinue for the farewell of the deceased is restricted to a maximum of 50 people and always
    respecting the measures of distance and hygiene.
  • Attendance at places of worship will be permitted provided that the capacity does not exceed 75%. The safety distance will be maintained and, in any case, a maximum of 150 people in
    Outdoor spaces or 75 people indoors. The maximum capacity must be published in a visible place of the space intended for worship.
  • Wedding ceremonies may be held in all types of facilities, either in open or enclosed spaces, provided that the capacity does not exceed 75% of the capacity, and in any case a maximum of 150 people in open spaces or 75 people in enclosed spaces.

Hotel and restaurant establishments may be reopened to the public for consumption on the premises, except for discotheques and nightclubs, provided that they do not exceed 50% of their capacity.

  • Consumption on the premises may take place at a table, or group of tables, preferably by prior reservation. It must be ensured that the appropriate physical distance of two metres is maintained between tables or groups of tables. The table or group of tables used for this purpose must be in accordance with the number of people, allowing the minimum interpersonal safety distance to be respected.
  • Consumption at the bar will be permitted as long as a minimum distance of 2 metres is guaranteed.
    On open-air terraces, the capacity shall be limited to 75% of the tables, with a maximum occupancy of 20 people.
  • Self-service products such as napkin rings, toothpicks, cruets, oil cruets and other similar utensils will be eliminated, giving priority to disposable single-dose products or their service in other formats at the request of the client.

The common areas of the hotels and tourist accommodation may be reopened to the public provided that they do not exceed 50% of the capacity.

  • Those closed spaces where events, entertainment activities or gyms are to be held must be ventilated two hours before use.
  • Entertainment activities or group classes must be designed and planned with a maximum capacity of 20 people and preferably in the open air.

Active tourism and nature activities can be carried out for groups of up to 30 people.

  • The activity of tourist guide is allowed, preferably by appointment, and the groups will be of a maximum of 20 people. During the development of the activity the transit by zones or places susceptible to generate agglomerations will be avoided.
  • During the development of the activity audio guides, brochures or other similar material may not be provided.
  • Tourist recreational centres, zoos and aquariums
    The total capacity will be limited to 50% and the capacity of the attractions and enclosed places to one third.
    Cleaning and disinfection of the facilities will be carried out at least twice a day, paying special attention to the most frequent contact surfaces such as attractions, machines
    entertainment, doorknobs, counters, handrails, vending machines, floors,
    telephones, taps, and other similar items.


The number of attendees may not exceed 80.


It must not exceed 50% of the authorized capacity and there must not be, in any case, more than 50 people in total inside the premises or establishment, including the workers of the premises or establishment.

  • Between customers, any type of machine or device through which gambling activities are offered, as well as chairs, tables or any other contact surface, must be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Appropriate mechanisms and processes shall be established to guarantee the hygienization, every two hours, of casino chips, cards or any other gaming element that is exchanged between players.
  • Periodic ventilation will be carried out in the facilities, at least twice a day.
  • The use of any material of common use between clients must be avoided, opting for the use of own electronic devices, blackboards, posters or other similar means.


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