Xunta de Galicia has approved the new strategic plan that will guide the development of the sector in the 2020 horizon. It is a roadmap that has a tourist investment of more than 240,500,000 euros with which it is committed to strengthen the competition Del Destino Galicia and its key position in the Galician economy. The Plan established among its objectives the increase in the number of tourists of 21% to exceed the horizon of the six million tourists in 2020, with a strong commitment to international tourism, from which it is wanted to increase its weight to reach 33% Of the total, which translates into 2 million foreign tourists. In addition, it seeks to improve the prices of overnight stays, hotel occupancy and average spending of tourism in Galicia. On the basis of these major challenges, the new Galicia 2020 Tourism Strategy includes 11 action lines covering a total of 90 action proposals.

The President of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, however stressed that rather than bet on the amount, this Plan bets on quality, sustainable growth of the destination and a strong commitment to ecotourism, with a highly focused strategic line In the landscape and natural resources, it is just over 37% of total investment. The new Tourism Strategy of Galicia is a project that has been counted from the first moment in the sector, through the Cluster Turismo Galicia, which has developed the strategy in a process that is deeply collaborative and open to the sector as a whole and to the That there has been extensive fieldwork in which the three Galician universities have also collaborated for the first time.

With the implementation of this new plan, which is presented in the coming days, the Galician Government establishes a comprehensive plan that pays attention to all the territories of our community; Integrator in establishing connections with other sectors; Dynamic, since it will be revised periodically to favor its correct implementation; And energizing, making room for all the agents involved. Its objectives and actions are aligned with the Galicia Strategic Plan 2015-2020, seeking to boost tourism in Galicia and its attractiveness to consolidate our community as a differentiated destination at a global level, competitive, sustainable and adapted to market changes.

To achieve this, the plan sets out three major challenges related to territory, governance And the projection of destiny. The new strategy establishes, thus, a tourism model based on the construction of a unique and differential destiny through the potential of its resources; In the promotion of a new form of management that incorporates all the agents of the value chain and that facilitate the sustainability without renouncing to criteria of economic and social profitability; And in improving the attractiveness of tourists and their loyalty through a segmented and quality offer.

Commitment to sustainability
The tourism policies of the last four years will focus on ecotourism as a driving element of the Galician countryside through the creation of new tourism products linked to nature that contribute to the use of natural resources and sustainable tourism use of the landscape. Also, around this axis will work on the rehabilitation and enhancement of the Galician viewpoints, the creation of unique shipments of particular scenic interest and the exploitation of the great potential of natural parks with the impulse of packages and ecotourism activities In its outline. On the other hand, they stand out for the tourist valorization of the historical centers, emphasizing the tangible and intangible heritage of the Galician cities and towns and the revitalization of rural tourism.

The new strategy also includes the development of a methodology that allows the management of the high levels of demand for technology that are seen in some points of the resources at the specific times of the year, in order to promote a cultural and leisure offer To these points with risk of saturation and avoid, thus, the degradation of the cultural and natural heritage of Galicia preserving its authenticity.

Friday March 24th, 2017

The new Galicia Tourism Strategy will work to consolidate a global, sustainable and globally differentiated tourist destination in 2020

Xunta de Galicia has approved the new strategic plan that will guide the development of the sector in the 2020 horizon. It is a roadmap that […]
Wednesday March 8th, 2017

Clúster Turismo de Galicia participates for the third year in the ITB Berlin with a commercial mission formed by 25 associates

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Thursday March 2nd, 2017

Convocation of the Ideas Contest of the Clúster Tourism of Galicia for associates

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Thursday February 23rd, 2017

ICT in the service of innovation in the tourism sector opened the program #UpDatePeme

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