The initiative will take place in October in Malaga and Seville on consecutive days, and on October 30 in Lisbon and will have the participation of 40 Galician tourism companies.

With the aim of publicizing the tourist offer of our community, the Galician Tourism Cluster is organizing two days presentation that will take place in Malaga, on 22 October, and in Seville, on 23 October in which workshops will be held with travel agents in the area. After publicizing the tourist offer to the Andalusian tour operation, the workshops to bring Galician tourist offer will conclude this year with a third meeting that will take place on 30 October in Lisbon, thus continuing the initiative carried out last year, when it was held a day in Porto.

Up to a total of 40 Galician companies may take part in this initiative with which the Galician Tourism Cluster gives continuity to the days of presentation of the tourism offer already made in Salamanca, Valladolid, Gijón and Porto. The objective is to favour the development of synergies with the tourist sector of cities with which the Galician territory has direct air connections. To this end, the workshops will include workshops with Andalusian and Portuguese tour operators, a day of presentation and a cocktail in which Galician products will be the protagonists.

The deadline for Galician tourism companies interested in participating to make a reservation is already open in the case of the workshops in Malaga and Seville. In the workshop will be present one person per company (in case of wanting to attend two, it is necessary to request it and the assistance of the second person would be subject to availability once the term of applications has expired) and the places will be assigned by rigorous order of inscription, , so from the technical secretariat of the CTG it is requested that those interested make their request in the following form. The deadline for registration is September 30th at 14:00 hours

Monday September 16th, 2019

The Cluster Tourism of Galicia organizes three days of approach of the Galician tourist offer

The initiative will take place in October in Malaga and Seville on consecutive days, and on October 30 in Lisbon and will have the participation of […]
Wednesday September 11th, 2019

The Galician Tourism Cluster prepares a new trade mission to the international tourism fair in London

As in previous editions, the Cluster Tourism of Galicia is already preparing the international trade mission with which will conclude the actions of promotion of destination […]
Tuesday September 10th, 2019

Galicia surpasses with note a summer of unstable weather to which the Galician tourism sector has been able to get good results

Occupancy forecasts for August would range from 85% to 90% for the whole of the territory, with good profitability performance. In the absence of knowing the […]
Wednesday August 28th, 2019
Convencion ASTA

Galician companies attend the ASTA Global Convention in Miami to bring the offer of our community closer to the American buyer.

Galician companies participate this week in the ASTA Global Convention organized by the Association of American Travel Agencies that is being held in the city of […]