Professionals from the DMC and MICE sectors were able to find out about the possibilities offered by 25 wineries and accommodation on the five Galician wine routes.

The Galician wine tourism campaign created last year to disseminate this offer, Soul, heart and wine has also just been awarded at the Torres Vedras International Tourism Film Festival.

The brand EnoTurismo Galicia is in congratulations. And it is doubly so since it has been the protagonist of the workshop held in Madrid to present the Galician food and wine offer to the specialized tour operator in the capital, but also because the brand branding campaign, created last year by the agency 100×100 Communication has just received an award in an international festival specializing in wine tourism.

Thus, the umbrella brand promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster has had a double presence, in Madrid and Portugal. In the Spanish capital, the enogastronomic offer of the five Galician wine routes was presented with a workshop organised by the Galician Tourism Cluster, with the support of the Xunta de Galicia – Galician Tourism Agency, which was attended by 25 Galician companies: nine from the Rías Baixas Wine Route; six from the Ribeiro Wine Route; three from the Ribeira Sacra Wine Route; one from the Monterrei Wine Route; and five from the Valdeorras Wine Route.

Some 200 professionals representing travel agencies; companies organising congresses and events; sector associations; the press; and various firms from the DMC and MICE sectors approached the event.

The Galician actor Sergio Pazos was in charge of guiding the presentation act, which included live music. Juan Manuel Casares, president of the O Ribeiro Wine Route, took the floor as spokesman for the five routes; and Cesáreo Pardal, president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, who highlighted the vitality of the sector and some of the possibilities offered by wine tourism in Galicia. In his speech Pardal stressed that “since the creation of the brand Enotourism Galicia we have firmly committed to the profitability of wine tourism in our territory and with these actions we want to continue promoting cooperation between wine routes and between tourism companies linked.
“From the Cluster we are convinced that the bet for this type of tourist products is the way to follow, since the enogastronomy is a complementary tourist product of many others, destationalizer and specialized, that extends by a great part of our territory and that is developing with rapidity and quality, specially oriented towards a profile of tourist that does greater average expense than other typologies, which turns the enoturismo in an element vertebrador of the tourist supply of Galicia”.

Campaign with award
But this has not been the only impact of the brand, as the wine tourism campaign Alma, corazón y vino de 100×100 Creatividad+Comunicación has been awarded at the Torres Vedra International Tourism Film Festival in Portugal. The jury awarded the Galician campaign the prize in the category of enotourism within the international competition of this festival.

This award is an important recognition to the advertising campaign, which was launched last year, and was inspired by a recognizable and evocative phrase that is above all an experiential message. The advertising campaign spread last year in Galicia had a great reception and meant a relaunch of the brand enotourism in Galicia. The media planning included an important commitment to television, with spot and sponsorship of O Tempo on TVG; and online media, with campaigns on social networks, online television and RTB.


Tuesday October 29th, 2019

The richness and variety of wine tourism in Galicia showed its resources with a workshop in Madrid

Professionals from the DMC and MICE sectors were able to find out about the possibilities offered by 25 wineries and accommodation on the five Galician wine […]
Friday October 25th, 2019

The tourist thermal project “A break in the Ways” is presented in Porto

Promoted by Expourense and its brand Termatalia, the Asociación de Balnearios de Galicia, Grupo Caldaria and the Federación Provincial de Hostelería de Ourense with the support […]
Thursday October 24th, 2019

Nearly 150 Andalusian tour operators attended the workshops of the Tourism Cluster in Malaga and Seville

In two days of work they maintained direct contact with 44 businessmen of the Galician tourist sector who traveled in commercial mission. The initiative allows to […]
Tuesday October 22nd, 2019

The Galician Tourism Cluster celebrates two commercial missions in Andalusia to make known the Galician tourist offer.

A total of 45 Galician businessmen will hold meetings with the Malaga and Seville Tour Operators in two working days. The CTG thus continues the proximity […]