ICT in the service of innovation in the tourism sector opened the program #UpDatePeme


ICT in the service of innovation in the tourism sector opened the program #UpDatePeme

Promoted by AMTEGA in collaboration with the Cluster the first day held in the City of Culture was attended by the director of R & D + i of Segittur, Enrique Lancis.

With the aim of serving as a meeting point between the tourism sector and ICT companies and continuing to work on reducing the digital divide in Galician tourism companies, the Agency for Technological Modernization (AMTEGA) promotes the #UpDatePeme program, whose first Session started Thursday in the City of Culture focused on the companies of the Galician tourist fabric. The event also had the participation of the Director of Business Development and New Technologies of Segittur, Enrique Lancis, whose presentation focused on the need for entrepreneurs in the sector to take innovation in the face of immobility, adopting technologies that have been Developed to improve business factors such as profitability, customer satisfaction, tourism experience, etc. Of February, starting at 7:00 pm, will consist of a one-hour session that will allow participants to get to know first-hand four experiences of tourism companies in the implementation of new technologies. “The industry has to bring innovation in its DNA to be prepared for all the changes that have come to stay,” he said.

The Cluster Turismo Galicia has collaborated in the implementation of this first day in which four professionals from the sector participated: Diego Otero from Abramar Viajes, which addressed the enormous evolution that has led to the emergence of new technologies for travel agencies , With particular emphasis on the impact of consolidators on tourism distribution; Merchi Rodal de Apartamentos Rodeiramar 2A, which abounded in its experience in the implementation of ICT and social networks to improve the positioning of its establishment and for the loyalty of its clients.

In addition, those responsible for the Hotel Oca Puerta del Camino, Óscar Fontán, and Rafael Benito, from the Hotel Hesperia Finisterre in A Coruña and president of Hospeco, addressed their own experience in the implementation of new technologies in their respective hotel chains and the changes they have Experienced in this sense, with tools of great utility for the hoteliers themselves in the case of Fontán and aimed at improving the tourist experience, in the case of Benito.

ICT opportunities for companies
The program, integrated in the activities of the Amtega ICT Demonstration Center, will continue with other new sessions in March, all integrated in the #UpDatePeme program, following the same participation scheme in which four companies will show a technological product or service of Utility for the collective.