• About ten professionals participated this week in a press trip, organized by the Cluster to publicize the platform.
  • “Galicia Sustainable Destination” seeks to integrate the Community’s sustainable tourism offer and already has more than 80 member companies and more than 150 products.


Travel journalists who participated this week in the press trip, organized by the Tourism Cluster, to learn about “Galicia Sustainable Destination” described the initiative as “very positive.” The platform, the result of collaboration between the Cluster and the Xunta, began its journey in July 2021 with the aim of integrating the Community’s sustainable tourism offer. Today it offers more than 150 products and has more than 80 member companies. The variety of the offer and the attributes of Galicia as a sustainable destination were other aspects highlighted by the participants in the press trip.


From October 4 to 6, a total of 7 professionals from ABC Viajar, National Geografic Historia, Revista RENFE Gente Viajera-Onda Cero, Fugas Portugal, BBC Travel and the Blogs Un Mundo Alrededor and El Asombrario had the opportunity to live some of the experiences offered by “Galicia Sustainable Destination”.


The chosen places to visit were some of the lesser-known areas and not usually included in tourist packages. The trip began in the Lugo marina with a visit to the Pontenova mines, an example of how to transform an industrial heritage into a responsible tourist attraction. In addition, the members of the press trip visited the town of Ribadeo, the cathedrals beach, the Fuciño do Porco viewpoint and the Cabo Ortegal geopark in this area; a distinction recently awarded by UNESCO. The next destination was the A Coruña town of Betanzos with a walk through the Pasatiempo Park.


In addition to enjoying the natural environment, the members of the press trip took the Cantabrian Route Nature Trail by train, visited a Sanandresiños crafts workshop in San Andrés de Teixido, and sailed through the Betanzos estuary by sailboat. The experience was completed with the obligatory stops to taste the local gastronomy and the stay in accommodation, both from companies attached to the platform, as well as from others that share the same values ​​of the initiative: the commitment to sustainability and the local, the commitment environmental and commitment to good governance, transparency and good practices.


Galicia Sustainable Destination


“Galicia Sustainable Destination” is a platform that allows companies to connect with travelers looking for an experience committed to local development; with the good use of natural resources and support for culture, historical heritage and tradition.


Its entire offer is available on the galiciadestinostible.com portal where you can find everything from routes by bicycle, boat or on foot, to packages that combine elements such as gastronomy, accommodation, wine culture, sports and adventure, including unique getaways or astrotourism.

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