
Galicia has two more candidates than last year, when it achieved 112 blue flags.


The race for the blue flags has already begun, and Galicia is once again well positioned to climb back to the podium positions of this recognition, which has already become a symbol of tourist quality and an important incentive for many of the visitors who come to the community. A total of 117 Galician beaches will opt this year to wear these insignias created by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), and managed in Spain by the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), to distinguish the quality of the beaches and their waters as well as the provision of services and attention to accessibility and sustainability criteria.


These are two more beaches than those proposed in 2022 and five more than the total number of awards achieved that year, according to the Xunta’s Director General of Natural Heritage, Belén do Campo, after having participated in recent days in the meeting of the national jury that awards these distinctions.


Galicia is thus placed as the third community that aspires to more flags, surpassed only by Valencia and Andalusia, the same with which it shared the podium of the largest number of flags last year, when it could also boast of having the most distinguished municipality: Sanxenxo, with 17 flags.


This year there will be a total of 34 (one more than in 2022) Galician municipalities that have submitted nominations: 14 in the province of A Coruña, 8 in Lugo and 12 in Pontevedra. As for the location of the beaches that aspire to wear the blue ensign this summer, 38 are in the province of A Coruña, 19 on the coast of Lugo and 60 on the coast of Pontevedra.


We will have to wait until mid-May to know the jury’s verdict, but the Xunta’s aspiration, and also that of the tourism sector, is to achieve a full 100% and confirm Galicia once again this summer as an ideal destination for enjoying the best beaches.

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Galicia’s beaches will compete for a total of 117 blue flags this year

Galicia has two more candidates than last year, when it achieved 112 blue flags.   The race for the blue flags has already begun, and Galicia […]
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