
  • The space of the Galician Tourism Agency will revolve around the quality of the Galician destination and the resources linked to water in all its aspects.
  • The Galician Tourism Cluster will promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination and Galicia Family Destination initiatives during the celebration of the International Fair.


Galicia will begin its annual promotion as a tourist destination on January 24 at the International Tourism Fair, Fitur. The Xunta de Galicia announced the participation of the Galician Community as a “commitment to consolidating itself as a quality, sustainable, differentiated and respectful destination.”


The Galician exhibitor revolves around water as an element that defines the identity of the Community. It is one of the main characteristics of the Galician landscape and a vital element of the territory. This exhibitor is structured into modules dedicated to the general tourist offer of Galicia, establishments with the Galicia Calidade, Q for Quality and S for Sustainability seal. There will also be a space for the Camino de Santiago, thermal tourism, active tourism, nautical tourism, the four Galician provinces and the seven large cities of the Community.


Once again, the Galicia Tourism Cluster will manage the business space of the Galicia stand, where it will make various tables available to associates where they can hold meetings with tour operators. In addition to this, the CTG will participate in various presentations of the event and will have a counter where it will promote sustainable and family tourism at FITUR, publicizing various initiatives of the entity such as Galicia Destino Sostenible or Galicia Destino Familiar.


The International Tourism Fair will be held from January 24 to 28 at IFEMA, Madrid. Professional access will be from January 24 to 26, with hours from ten in the morning to seven in the afternoon. The meeting point for tourism experts will have more than 8,500 exhibiting companies and 136,000 professionals.

Tuesday January 16th, 2024

Galicia will consolidate itself as a quality destination at FITUR

The space of the Galician Tourism Agency will revolve around the quality of the Galician destination and the resources linked to water in all its aspects. […]
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Six new companies join the ‘Galicia Sustainable Destination’ Product Club

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The Galicia Tourism Cluster appeals for responsability in the demostrations about the consequences of pellets on sea products and in the sands

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