
Galicia will receive 7.8 million euros from the programme approved at the last meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference.


Galician tourist accommodation (hotels, campsites, rural tourism…) will be able to benefit from aid totalling 7.8 million euros to undertake energy efficiency and circular economy projects in their facilities. This aid is part of a state-wide programme with a total amount of 170 million euros that was approved by the central government and representatives of the autonomous communities at the meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference held this week.


In the case of Galicia, it is planned that the aid will allow interventions to be carried out in 121 establishments. These will have to use the amount received to improve the thermal envelope (the enclosures that delimit the living spaces) of the premises, incorporate renewable energies for heating, cooling, air conditioning and hot water, and optimise lighting. The aim is for beneficiaries to reduce non-renewable energy consumption by at least 30 %.


The agreement reached between the central government and the autonomous communities foresees that the latter will be the ones to make the corresponding call for applications for the distribution of aid. The deadline for implementing eligible actions is 31 December 2024.


Promoting oenogastronomy

At the same meeting of the Tourism Sector Conference chaired by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, and at which Galicia was represented by the First Vice-President of the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, and the Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, a new extraordinary edition of the Tourism Sustainability Plans in Destinations was also approved, which this year will have oenogastronomy as its main priority.


In this regard, the Xunta explains that they had already made this area the focus of the Territorial Plan for the period 2022-2025, considering it to be one of the key resources of the Galician tourism model. The new plan establishes from 1 April to 17 May as the deadline for both the Xunta directly through the Actions for Cohesion between Destinations and local agents through the Destination Sustainability Plans to present their projects to the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

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