The project, called Emotions Wine Tourism Galicia, is sponsored by the Tourism Cluster of Galicia and executed by Proturga and Gallaecia

The marketing initiative is complemented by the launch of the brand Galicia Tourism

The City of Culture of Santiago de Compostela hosted the presentation of a project to improve competitiveness marketing of wine tourism in Galicia through the implementation of a number of tourist packages addressed to promote Galicia through its wines and enterprise network around them. The ultimate goal of the project “Marketing Wine Tourism in Galicia”, promoted by the Association of Professional Tourism Galicia (PROTURGA) and the Association of Sommeliers of Galicia (GALLAECIA) is, in definitva, the one to boost the Galician wine industry , attract more visitors, to value the wine resources, increase revenue, generate employment and desestacionalicen demand.

The project, born under the competition of ideas promoted by the Cluster Tourism Galicia, has allowed the creation of competitive packages consensus with business tailored to different target audiences and a variable duration (one day, one weekend or packages of 5 days) may also be marketed as Gift Bonds may be converted into wine tourism experiences.

The proposals – created from sharing with companies in 15 workshops developed in the last two months revolve around 9 attractive themes and are designed taking into account the characteristics of the entities and the destination, as well as preferences of potential demand:

  • Pairing the Way of Saint James, aimed at visitors interested in doing the Way unhurried, enjoying visits to wineries and knowing the resources of the territory.
  • Enoculture, inviting you to discover the beautiful works of art located between vineyards and wineries: fishing villages, jewels of Romanesque, medieval fortresses, neighborhoods full of history, etc.
  • Family wine, with activities for children to enjoy the whole family.
  • Harvest Live, where wineries invite visitors to experience first vintage activities among workers of wineries.
  • Gourmet delights to savor the typical products of the territory accompanied by wines from different O.D. Galicia and achieve the perfect marriage.
  • Welfare and tourism, with thermal activities and related wine and grapes combined with visits to wineries territory treatments.
  • Wineries for couple, to surprise couples in a different way, combining visits to wineries, romantic atmosphere and baths.
  • Landscape, with visits to magnificent natural environment to discover the different colors, smells and sensations of vineyards, gardens, rivers and the sea.
  • Bono Event, which will enjoy two events that will not leave indifferent to any visitor, such as the “International Theatre Mostra Ribadavia” and “Feira do Viño do Ribeiro”. To do so it has had the collaboration of Concello de Ribadavia and in the future could be extended to more municipalities.

Marketing through agencies
To get these packages to the end customer has conducted negotiations with 25 wholesale travel agencies at regional and national levels to further establish a selection of the most suitable. These, from November, distribute packages and gift-bonds to retail agencies throughout Spain for a year. To make this negotiation has given priority to Travel Agencies attached to the different existing Wine Routes in Galicia, as well as those belonging to the Cluster Galicia.

This marketing is further promoted by social networks created for the project – Facebook: Emociones Enoturismo Galicia and Twitter: @Enotur_Galicia, on the websites of the sponsoring associations, PROTURGA ( and GALLAECIA (www.sumilleres .com) and on the project website Enoturismo Galicia brand,, driven by the Wine routes of Galicia Monterrei, Ribeiro, Rías Baixas and Ribeira Sacra. Both projects, the creation of the brand Enoturismo Galicia and Galician marketing wine work well in a coordinated manner, thus fulfilling the generation of synergies from the Tourism Cluster Galicia has incentivized to improve cooperation between partners.

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