The speeches by Jimmy Pons and Fernando Gallardo put the end and end to the training program for the Galician tourism sector promoted by the CTG, which has involved a total of 211 professionals

The City of Culture of Galicia, in Santiago, was the scene of the closing day of the second Training Plan promoted by the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, with the collaboration of the Axencia de Turismo de Galicia, whose activities have involved a Total of 211 professionals from the four provinces. The president of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, Francisco González, stressed that training is one of the pillars on which the work of the Tourism Cluster is based, “If we want a strong and competitive sector, we must offer the tools to build it. And training is undoubtedly one of the most powerful, which will allow us to offer the tourist a unique, differentiated and, above all, professional and quality experience “, something fundamental if we are to face the current global market with guarantees.

The closing day has been closed with the intervention of two well-known personalities in The sector, such as Jimmy Pons, expert in Tourism Innovation, and Fernando Gallardo, critic of Hotels. His lectures, with which culminates a program that adds more than 150 hours of training, have been followed by about a hundred people. In his speech, Jimmy Pons made a commitment to innovation and creative entrepreneurship in the sector. “The experiences have been ‘macdonalized’, so we must bet on the emotions,” he pointed out; The challenge is to create experiences and emotions in hotels of three and four stars, which are the majority, and that we can do through personalization, but above all knowing our customers. For Pons, tourism is “the business of happiness” and we must focus on expanding the vision of destiny and innovate being creative.

For his part, Fernando Gallardo spoke about how the current technological revolution is affecting the tourism sector. “In the time of virtual, digital society, we are on the way to managing the change of a culture of coexistence, socialization and universality in which the rules are still to be defined,” said the expert.

The calendar of activities has been carried out in different workshops, seminars and workshops held in nine locations in Galicia, always free and in person. The CEO of IFFE Business School, Manuel Carneiro, in charge of delivering diplomas to the participants, expressed the satisfaction of his business school for having organized this program and having with it “the opportunity to be present in a key area of Our economy, a pillar in the growth policy of our community. ” He explained that the program had a higher attendance than initially estimated, so expectations have been met in this regard, and the assessment of the participants in the satisfaction survey that has been done has been 8.4 over 10.

The closing day ended with the awarding of diplomas to the participants in the program, which was attended by the Director of Competitiveness of Tourism, Galicia, José Luis Maestro.

Friday November 25th, 2016

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia renews its bet, through the training, by a professional and quality sector in the closure of its II Training Plan

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