Lisbon is the third destination chosen by the CTG to bring the Galician tourist offer closer to the Tourist Office located in destinations close to Galicia.

With the aim of publicizing the tourist offer of our community, the Galician Tourism Cluster is organizing a presentation day that will take place in Lisbon, on 30 October, at the Altis Grand Hotel. This event will consist of a workshop with local travel agents, followed by a tasting cocktail.

A maximum of 40 Galician companies will participate in this workshop with the aim of promoting maximum networking between them and the local tour operator. In the workshop will be present one person per company (in case of wanting to attend two, it is necessary to request it and the attendance of the second person would be subject to availability once the deadline for applications has expired) and the places will be assigned in strict order of registration, which can be done through this form before 10 October, deadline for making the application.

This workshop is the third and last to be held by the Galician Tourism Cluster this year, after Malaga and Seville, and the only one of an international nature, giving continuity to those held in previous editions, which already allowed to bring the Galician tourism offer to the tuperación lusa, among other destinations.

Friday September 27th, 2019

Opened the term to register in the third workshop of proximity of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia

Lisbon is the third destination chosen by the CTG to bring the Galician tourist offer closer to the Tourist Office located in destinations close to Galicia. […]
Tuesday September 24th, 2019

The CSHG faces a renewal plan amounting to more than 5 million euros to become a center of reference in tourism innovation

The degree of Gastronomic Innovation and Hotel Management will be implemented at the University of Santiago with the collaboration of the sector. The Xunta de Galicia […]
Monday September 23rd, 2019

Around thirty companies take part in the presentation of the project “Un descanos en los caminos”.

The presentation took place in the frame of Termatalia in the frame of which the first workshop of development of tourist products linking thermalism and Way […]
Wednesday September 18th, 2019

The 19th edition of Termatalia starts in Ourense reaffirming its role as an international appointment of reference for the thermal and health tourism.

More than 300 exhibitors from 34 countries meet at Expourense The project “Un descanso nos Camiños”, born in the Concruso de Ideas del Clúster Turismo de […]